很高興在這次的合作中可以看到彼此之間的溝通上的互動, 能夠彼此理解, 讚美, 聆聽, 規劃, 享受合作中的快樂!
Anna Zhang
很好的課程, 對小朋友的成長幫助很大, 我已經看到Roger的進步了. 感謝老師和大哥哥姐姐們.
感謝 EQ centre, 感謝老師們的付出. 通過這個互動活動過程, 父母能更了解自己的孩子, 發現孩子更多的優點, 讓父母能欣賞孩子長處, 知道孩子的潛能是驚人的, 是大人意想不到的. 辛苦老師們的耐心引導, 謝謝你們. 請老師們多發現孩子的缺點, 能更好的指導. 而且讓家長也知道, 便於日後引導, 謝謝!
Cherry Chen
這活動可以很好地體現孩子在遇到問題和困難時性格之表現. 我女兒做遊戲時很開心, 很 enjoy. 但在眾人面前展示失敗後一直很傷心, 而且情緒很差, 鼓勵和勸慰都沒有用. 她很要面子, 看到其他小朋友都成功, 她越發難過, 面對這些我不知該如何幫她恢復正常.
Lucy's Mom
Good family team work activity, let kid to learn how to instruct patiently. Appreciate that there is a leader to monitor & act as a middle man to see thing progress as planned
Chi-Ming Yeung & Karmen Lee
This activity provided a valuable chance for Kristy & I to work together to achieve a goal. This allows me to patiently listen and follow what she wants without criticise her. This will surely help her to trust herself better with more confidence to handle challenge. This also makes me slow down a little bit and understand what she wants without adding my personal comment and preference.
Louisa Lau (Kristy Yeh's mom)
The activity was good, but not very well organised - different leaders said different things which made the rules very confusing. As a result, the activity ran over time.
Adrian參加這個summer EQ program 之後, 看到他各方面的成長, 比以前更有耐性, 更有專注力, 做每一件事都先有計劃, 從以前的享受結果, 變成享受每一件事的過程. 更加識得去體諒別人, 和尊重. Thank you!!